Argolanda B.V. purchases hides from countries worldwide. These are being supplied in different stages, like wetsalted, dry(salted), wetblue, crust and finished
Argolanda B.V. purchases skins (goat, sheep, pig and deer) from countries worldwide. These are being supplied in different stages, such as wetsalted, drumsalted dry(salted) wetblue, crust and finished.
ARGOLANDA B.V. supplies splits (wetblue and/or crust) from Central and South american countries, as well as from the European community.
As every origin has its own characteristics and every type of hide its own purpose in the leather industry, it’s simply impossible to mention all the details of the hides we’re able to supply on this site. In case you would like to receive offers and/or further information for a specific type of hide or origin, you’re kindly requested to contact us, and we would be pleased to assist you personally and give you all required information and best service.
APLF / 12-14 March 2025 - Hong Kong
Booth Nr 3C-F12
Present at the fair: Mr Rob Willemen
Mr Alex Granneman
Mr Jeroen Granneman
We also provide chemicals for Leather/Tanning Industry:
Argolanda B.V
Oostzeedijk 236
Tel: +31-10-2800000
Fax: +31-10-4045794
You can also fill out our contact form and we will contact you as soon as posible.
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